About Him

>> Monday, February 9, 2009

Madeline was my best friend. It was a blessing having her around because you always knew what she wanted. There were no guessing games or emotional drama. She didn't need me to watch her dog or loan her fifty bucks till the next paycheck. She was either pissed, hungry, or cold and spent most of her days flicking her pink-brown hair or biting things. That was all. She had eight legs and two homes; a plastic skull under a heat-lamp or my fuzzy, warm arm. Madeline was my tarantula, or Chilean Rose tarantula to be more precise.

I am waiting patiently to own another spider-critter once my wife and I move into our house. Unfortunately, I won't own the house. It will be government property, much like myself. In approximately one year, I will have spent four years as a combat medic in the US Army.

My musical tastes fall under rock or metal. I occasionally listen to the blues or musicians like The Prodigy. Mostly, I enjoy what makes people go deaf at an alarming rate of speed. For fun, I drink a metric ton of redbull, smoke a pack a day, and hang out with Jack Daniels from time to time. I frequent different bars, but what I really enjoy is studying people, and reading about studying people. Dr. Paul Ekman's Facial Action Coding System, Malcolm Gladwell's Insights on Society, and Sigmund Freud's theories that everyone secretly watches BDSM-- you name it, and if it falls into the genres of psychology or sociology, I probably know something about it, or am working on it.

For myself and my wife, this blog is a little piece of our lives. I enjoy ranting on about all of the things that cross my mind, and she makes the site pleasing to the eyes (as opposed to my apparent desire to vex humanity with paintbrush.exe art) as well as editing ( raping and purging ) my posts.



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